Tuesday, April 04, 2006

A Blogger is Born!

Diana, who has been featured on this blog here and here, has finally caved into my pestering and started her own blog. Diana's Little Corner in the Nutmeg State (uh, that would be Connecticut for those who didn't know). In her own words,
Hi. I'm Diana and this is my Blog. I am Transsexual and this Blog site is about being transgendered, so if that bothers you then please move on. But, if you want to learn more then stick around.
Also, this week Eugene at Parodoxy celebrates six months as a blogger. He compares his first post to his more current ones. It is amazing how blogging can expand our sense of sense and the world around us. He claims he is shocked to have an audience. Uh duh, Euguene, your writing is awesome, profound and terribly interesting.


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